Latest Posts
INSEAD Choice Symposium 2023
I’m off to Fontainebleau for the 12th Triennial Invitational Choice Symposium at INSEAD.
Gambling and associated harms
Muggleton et al. (2021) was published yesterday. We quantify the association between gambling and related financial, social, health, and mortality harms using mass bank transaction data from hundreds of thousands people.
COVID-19 insight at the Economics Observatory
John Gathergood and I received a UKRI COVID-19 Rapid Response grant for a project on “Real-time evaluation of the effects of Covid-19 and policy responses on consumer and small business finances”.
Fast DFT simulation
Back in the day I wrote this code for extremely fast decision field theory simulation, as reported in Roe, Busemeyer, and Townsend (2001).
wok2bib and wok2apa
A lot of people have been asking me how I keep this blog so edgy. Like this:
DbS Code
This code implements the decision-by-sampling model for risky choices reported in Stewart, Chater, and Brown (2006), Stewart and Simpson (2008) and Stewart (2009). The example R code implements the model for one example of the common ratio effect from Kahneman and Tversky (1979).
Erratum for Stewart (2009)
The first equation on p. 1051 of Stewart (2009) should read
apa2bib is a command line utility for converting APA-formatted references into bibtex references for use with latex. You can find my apa2bib on github.
How This Website Works
This website is build using Jekyll and the minima theme. I followed the Jekyll step-by-step tutorial.