
24 Mar 2020 - Neil

apa2bib is a command line utility for converting APA-formatted references into bibtex references for use with latex. You can find my apa2bib on github.

apa2bib contains some useful perl regular expressions (regexes) for parsing APA formatted references.

apa2bib is written in perl and works by matching references to regular expressions. apa2bib works with books (with volume and edition numbers), chapters in edited books, journal articles, magazine articles (e.g., Science and Nature), and in-press, submitted and unpublished manuscripts.

Here is an example of apa2bib at work:

echo "Stewart, N., & Ellis, A. W. (2008). Order of acquisition in learning perceptual categories: A laboratory analogue of the age of acquisition effect? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 15, 70-74." | apa2bib

author  = {Stewart, N. and Ellis, A. W.},
year    = {2008},
title   = {Order of acquisition in learning perceptual categories: A laboratory analogue of the age of acquisition effect?},
journal = {Psychonomic Bulletin \& Review},
volume  = {15},
pages   = {70--74},