DbS Code

10 Jul 2020 - Neil

This code implements the decision-by-sampling model for risky choices reported in Stewart, Chater, and Brown (2006), Stewart and Simpson (2008) and Stewart (2009). The example R code implements the model for one example of the common ratio effect from Kahneman and Tversky (1979).

You can find the DbS_code on github.

Here is an example of the code at work:

> # Load the decision by sampling library 
> source("DbS.R") 
> # 80% chance of 4000 otherwise nothing 
> # vs 3000 for sure 
> c3 <- list(g3A=gamble(x=c(4000, 0), p=c(0.8, 0.2)), 
+     g3B=gamble(x=c(3000), p=c(1)) 
+ ) 
> c3 
        x   p 
[1,] 4000 0.8 
[2,]    0 0.2 
        x p 
[1,] 3000 1 
> # 20% chance of 4000 otherwise nothing 
> # vs 25% chance of 3000 otherwise 
> c4 <- list(g4A=gamble(x=c(4000, 0), p=c(0.2, 0.8)), 
+     g4B=gamble(x=c(3000, 0), p=c(0.25, 0.75)) 
+ ) 
> c4 
        x   p 
[1,] 4000 0.2 
[2,]    0 0.8 
        x    p 
[1,] 3000 0.25 
[2,]    0 0.75 
> # Thresholds for discriminating amounts and probabilities 
> thresholds=list(x=10, p=.1) 
> # A uniform background context of amounts and probabilities 
> context=list(x=seq(-6000,6000,1), p=seq(-1,1,.01)) 
> # Probability of selecting each gamble for each choice 
> predictions <- DbS(choices=list(c3=c3, c4=c4), 
+     thresholds=thresholds, 
+     context=context, 
+     prob.sample.context=.5, 
+     prob.sample.amount=.5, 
+     self.comparison=F, 
+     choice.mechanism="accumulators", 
+     choice.threshold=5 
+ ) 
> predictions 
      g3A       g3B  
0.1818279 0.8181721  
      g4A       g4B  
0.6025243 0.3974757